Back to school!

Back to School!

 As of this week, most everyone is now officially back to school! While this can be such an exciting time for both parents and students, it can also present some challenges. Going from a carefree summer with less of a set schedule, more outside play time, and more family leisure time, “back to the grind” can be difficult for many children.

 It’s not uncommon to deal with more meltdowns, exhaustion, and resistance in the home and school routine this time of year. The good news is that there are some great OT strategies we can implement to make these transitions a little smoother for your household or classroom. There are two huge tips that I have learned in my time in practice (and now as a working mom of a toddler!) that have helped so much!

 1)   Keep a consistent morning schedule. For kiddos who struggle more in the mornings…taking too long to get ready, refusing to get out of bed, etc.  can signal decreased initiation of task skills. Some kids have a hard time finishing a task because just getting started is so difficult for them. Keeping a consistent schedule with wake-up times, order of tasks (for example: wake up, breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth, pack backpack) can give these children a leg up for increased success and decreased stress. Knowing what to expect next and mentally preparing for that transition is key. Some kids may even benefit from a visual schedule – either written or in picture form. Another great tip is to use a visual timer for each task (ie. “ok, you have five minutes to get dressed”). There are many awesome options (that you can even Amazon Prime!) that give that guidance and support. If you need more information or help formulating your own visual schedule, enlist the help of your OT or do a quick Google search to get some more customizable ideas. There are so many great resources out there now!

2)   Get outside right after school! I realize there can be barriers to this – extracurricular activities, parents working late…so you really have to make it your own and figure out a way that works for your family. Unstructured and free play time after a strict schedule all day is so good for busy brains and busy bodies! Even as an adult, I am not built to sit in a formalized setting without huge breaks for movement for long periods of time. I feel like I’m squirming out of my skin by the end of the day. We can only imagine, most kids feel the same after a long day at school! This outside time can be as simple as sending your kiddos out to the backyard to play a quick game of tag while you cook dinner or a quick swing by the local trampoline park to blow off some steam. Like I mentioned, make it your own!

 We hope everyone is off to a great 2019-2020 school year! We have so many upcoming and exciting things here at Trilogy Therapy and are happy to have you on this ride with us!

Emily Washut, MOTR/L

Occupational Therapist