Heroism Comes in Many Forms

“You’re living a part of history,” I hear myself say repeatedly to my three daughters. “This is something you’ll remember forever, and tell your own kids about and probably even your grandkids,” I’ll add on. It’s true. Each and every one of us is living through a piece of history right this very minute.


In the past month, I’ve had the honor of working with many teachers and therapists as they transition from teaching within a classroom or providing services within a clinic to providing virtual learning through on-line platforms. To say it has been inspirational is truly an understatement. Again and again, I witnessed total and utter courage as these professionals moved forward, not knowing or feeling completely comfortable with this new way of teaching and doing therapy, but doing whatever it took to learn how to do it. They forged a path to make it meaningful for every student no matter his or her background. 

Because I am a speech therapist, and by nature love vocabulary and semantics, I often think about words that describe situations I am a part of or are going on around me. When reflecting on the past month, there are a few words that come to mind when I think of all the teachers and therapists who changed the way they were teaching and doing therapy. They developed a whole new curriculum and treatment plan in just a matter of weeks. Right away my mind fills with words such as perseverance, tenacity, grace, strength, courage, and inspiration, but the overarching vocabulary word, the one that it is most glaring... heroic.

I listened to an article today on Wyoming Public Media where a colleague and friend of mine, Wade Kinsey, was quoted as saying, "If I can provide some of that classroom community that we've spent months building over the course of the year that was taken from us, if I can get that back, that's the stuff that will make the difference for these kids,"  Not only have these teachers and therapists, worked tirelessly on doing just that but they’ve developed new curriculums and treatment plans compatible with on-line learning, and they have individualized each lesson and treatment plan according to the student. They’re taking into account students whose parents are essential workers or are not able to provide support and making plans accordingly, they’re dropping food and other essentials off on family’s doorsteps daily (i.e., tables and chairs to do school work on, writing utensils, paper, etc), they’re on video and phone calls all hours of the day and late into the night helping those who are most vulnerable, and they’re taking time away from their own family to tend to their students and patients. I’ve witnessed therapy clinics making lunches and having them available for their patients every single day, and this is on top of all the services they are providing. This is nothing short of heroic.

So yes, we are living a part of history, and the heroism our teachers and therapists have exhibited throughout this pandemic will always be a part of the story I will tell in years to come.  I will be forever grateful.

An open letter to school administrators, special education teachers, therapists...

Dear school administrators, special education teachers and therapists,

We realize with schools closing across our country you are working hard to figure out how to continue providing education to all of our precious students. Thank you for your hard work in achieving this and for taking on the task of educating our children in non-traditional ways.


If you are considering to provide educational and related services through online programs, Trilogy Therapy can help your therapists learn how to perform teletherapy effectively. We’re currently helping other school districts in our northwestern region do just that!

Currently, Trilogy Therapy works with school districts providing on-line and on-site speech, occupational and physical therapy services. We’ve had great success implementing teletherapy and are happy to help your district do the same. We can train your therapists how to use teletherapy platforms, provide your therapists valuable digital resources to decrease planning time and offer extended support whenever they may need it.  All of your therapists will know how to make teletherapy effective, engaging and fun!

Please contact us for any teletherapy consultation you might need. Check out our website at www.trilogyteletherapy.com, email us at contact@trilogyteletherapy.com, or call (307) 459-1111.

We are here to help you!


The Trilogy Therapy Team

Get Moving and Talking...Anywhere, Anytime

Trilogy Therapy has simple tips to continue fostering minds and bodies of our precious kids, anywhere, anytime!


Lo-Tech Options for PT at Home

Charades - Encourages motor planning and control

Potential Categories

  • Animals (Flamingo, Frog, Duck, Cat, Chicken, Dog, Snake, etc)

  • Sport Activities (Baseball, Volleyball, Golf, Hockey, Basketball, etc)

  • Musical Instruments (Guitar, Piano, Drums, Trumpet, Flute, etc)

Balloon Living Room Volleyball - Great for visual tracking and eye-hand coordination

  • Set up the “court”

  • Each person gets 3 hits to get ball back to other side

  • Don’t let the balloon hit the floor

Higher Tech Options for PT at Home

GoNoodle - Online website to encourage movement and activity all related to educational topics

  • Create a free family account or an educator account

    • https://assets-gnp-ssl.gonoodle.com/parent_invite_pdfs/gonoodle_parent_invite_en.pdf

  • Different categories including: Mindfulness, Sensory and Motor Skills, and Movement Type

YouTube Work-Outs 

  • Many different fun workouts for kids

  • Yoga, Frozen, SuperMario Brothers, etc 

Low Tech Options for Speech Therapy at Home

Play “I spy…”

  • A good game of “I spy…” can be played anywhere! Try playing it by giving two to three describing clues (i.e., “I spy something green, soft, and you sit on it). 


  • What a great time to bond and work together on something creative! This time also allows for lots of direction following, sequencing, and new vocabulary. Let your child help you with dinner, bake dessert, or make that scrap book you’ve been meaning to do for years!

Go for a walk or bike ride

  • Get outside together and move. What a wonderful time to talk about what’s going on around you. Work on opposites (i.e., fast and slow, up and down, etc.), find and/or show verbs (i.e, find things that fly, find things that crawl, show me skipping, etc.), and describe what you see (i.e., “look it’s at the animal with feathers, who flies, and who will probably be laying eggs soon”).


  • Read together! For older readers, a good chapter book might even be in order. This gives ample opportunity to talk about and work on comprehension of the different parts of the book (i.e., the main character(s), the setting, etc.). It’s a great time to point out and examine new vocabulary further. You can talk about specific words in the book, the meaning of those words, what are other words that might mean the same thing, what are words that are the opposite, what other words might be associated with the specific word, etc. For our younger readers, this is also a great time to look at the pictures in the book and talk about what you see. You can also work on hearing and saying the sounds in specific words in the book, and you can work on comprehension and understanding of what was just read.

Higher Tech Options for Speech Therapy at Home

ABC Mouse

  • There’s a 30 day free trial for this educational website. It’s great for children between kindergarten and 2nd grade. Give it a try!


  • You can have a free subscription to this website if your school has been impacted by a closure. There’s also a free 30 day trial. Vooks takes normal story books, animates them, and makes them come alive! It’s really a great resource!

Boom Learning

  • Boom Learning is full of gamified academic exercises including those that target speech and language! Try the starter package. It’s free and you’ll find a ton of really great exercises for your child!

Low Tech ideas for Occupational Therapy at home:

 -  Use that backyard swing set! Engage sensory systems with swinging, monkey bars, teeter totter, and going down the slide! 

-      Sensory play – we’re big fans of Floof and Kinetic Sand at my house. This could also be as simple as dumping flour in a casserole dish and driving cars through it or mixing water and cornstarch together.

-      Cook together – stirring, mixing, measuring – cooking targets so many excellent skills areas – cognition, attention to task, sequencing, bilateral coordination. Plus the end result is yummy!

 High Tech ideas for OT : 

Tools to Grow OT : This website offers two levels of activities – both free and membership options. Tools to Grow breaks down activities by skills targeted – such as fine motor skills, visual motor integration, sensory processing, and bilateral coordination. 

 Best Apps for screen time : 

-      Dexteria – fine motor skill development

-      Dexteria Dots – fine motor development with some math

-      Dexteria VMI – visual motor integration skills

-      Doodle Buddy – a fun drawing app

-      Little Finder – this one targets visual perception skills

-      Osmo Tangram – more visual perception skills

-      Letter Reflex – great for working on letter reversals

-  Sensory Sound Box – a calming visual and auditory app you can control by touch

Our Favorite Speech Teletherapy Resources

Trilogy Therapy realizes with recent school closures and additional changes we might see in the face of COVID-19, some of you are turning to teletherapy. We believe the health and well-being in all humans are of utmost importance. We also know that we are in a unique position in providing teletherapy services to help traditional therapists through these uncertain times. We would like to help you better prepare for your teletherapy experience by sharing some of the resources we use daily to make our sessions great.

Please use the following resources as a roadmap to help you and your students stay healthy. We’ve taken a minute to list some of our favorites!


Ultimate SLP 

The Ultimate SLP is a new(er) website full of amazing speech language therapy materials, including fun, interactive games with real life pictures. We love this site so much that all of our speech therapists have access to a monthly membership through Trilogy Therapy. Seriously, this site takes off hours of planning time each month!

Boom Learning 

Boom Learning is a website full of gamified exercises we highly recommend. One of our favorite features… data tracking!!! There are four different levels of membership depending on your usage. Give the starter level a try. We’re sure you’ll love it just as much as we do!


We’re probably a little behind the ball on this one. We just started using Vooks at Trilogy Therapy and can’t believe we have been missing out for so long! Vooks makes storybooks come alive! These are great resources to pull out and use in any teletherapy session!

The Whimsical Word 

The Whimsical Word  has done a fabulous job creating digital resources for speech language pathologists and special educators. We find the Whimsical Word’s website and blog incredibly valuable. The Whimsical Word’s digital resources are outstanding!

Smart Notebook 

Smart Notebook provides a great platform to create your own speech therapy activities. We use Smart Notebook for a number of other reasons too, like creating visual schedules and picture symbols. Smart Notebook has definitely come in handy!

Jigsaw Planet / Memory Match 

These are some of the awesome free games we use during our speech therapy sessions. They are a great way to keep attention, and/or add incentive. We also use them to teach new computer users how to click and drag. Give them a try!

Teachers Pay Teachers

There are also some really great resources on Teachers Pay Teachers. Below are some we use frequently for speech teletherapy:

  • The Whimsical Word

  • My Teletherapy Room

  • Speech Your Mind

  • Speech Wonderland

  • Language Speech and Literacy

  • GoldieTalks Speech


Teletherapy continues to change healthcare and our industry. It’s important for us all to realize the power and effectiveness teletherapy provides our patients and students in achieving their greatest potential.